The Santa Cruz Symphony’s season begins with world renowned pianist Jon Nakamatsu performing Beethoven’s magisterial piano concerto no. 5, 'The Emperor'. Grammy award winning composer & DJ Mason Bates joins us for performances of his wildly popular showpiece for DJ and orchestra, 'Mothership'. Stravinsky’s enchanting score to his ballet the 'Firebird' luxuriates in dazzlingly romanticism.
At the Santa Cruz Symphony League’s preview, we will enjoy a wonderful Social starting at 4 PM, and later welcome Maestro Daniel Stewart to our midst, availing us an expert peek into the works to be performed at the concert. Maestro Stuart will be bring along the charismatic pianist, Jon Nakamatsu, to further expound on the music from a performer’s perspective.
Don’t miss out! Purchase your tickets now.
Members: $20; Guests: $25